Former PostDoctoral fellows
Dr. Rong Ma
Postdoc 2021-2022 Ph.D. 2016-2021 (Emory University, Salaita lab)
Lindau Nobel Laureate Award, Michelson Prize, Stanford Science Fellow
Dr. Jessica Petree
Postdoc 2019-2020 Ph.D. 2013-2019 (Emory University, Salaita lab)
ARCS Fellow
Currently a Teacher at Central Gwinnett High School
Dr. Kimberly Clarke
Postdoc 2017-2019, Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology LinkedIn
Currently Program Director at American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA
Dr. Jing Zhao
Postdoc 2016-2019, Ph.D. North Carolina State University
Currently Data Scientist at, Atlanta, GA
Dr. Zheng Liu
Postdoc 2013-2016, Ph.D. Xiamen University
Dr. Weiwei Zheng
Postdoc 2012-2015, Ph.D. Florida State University Google scholar | LinkedIn
Currently Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Syracuse University
Former Graduate Students
Dr. Steven Narum Ph.D. 2019-2024 (Biomedical Engineering)
Currently a Life Science Specialist at L.E.K. Consulting
Dr. Selma Piranej Ph.D. 2018-2023 (Chemistry)
ARCS Herz Global Impact Award Recipient LGS Outstanding Scholarly Research Award
Currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Bathe BioNanoLab, MIT
Dr. Yuesong Hu Ph.D. 2018-2023 (Chemistry)
NIH F99/R00 fellow LGS Outstanding Scholarly Research Award
Currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Mooney Lab, Harvard University
Dr. Arventh Velusamy Ph.D. 2017-2023 (Chemistry) LinkedIn
Currently a Scientist at Aperture Therapeutics
Dr. Joseph Dale Combs Ph.D. 2016-2023 (Chemistry)
Dr. Rachel Bender Ph.D. 2017-2023 (Chemistry)
BPS Student Research Achievement Award, NIH-NIGMS Diversity Supplement
Currently a Licensing Associate at Georgia Tech
Dr. Anna Kellner Ph.D. 2016-2022 (Biomedical engineering)
NIH F31 Fellowship, Lindau Nobel Laureate Award
Currently a research scientist at Elephas Bio Corporation, Madison WI.
Dr. Radhika Sharma Ph.D. 2017-2022 (Chemistry) LinkedIn
Currently a Senior Laboratory Systems Analyst for Booz Allen & Hamilton and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Dr. Aysha Sk Rashid Ph.D. 2017-2022 (Chemistry) LinkedIn
Currently a Strategy Consultant at Bain & Company, Atlanta GA
Dr. Brendan Deal Ph.D. 2016-2022 (Chemistry) Google scholar | LinkedIn
Currently a Postdoctoral fellow/Scientist III at Thermo Fisher Scientific
Dr. Yixiao Dong Ph.D. 2016-2022 (Chemistry) Google scholar | LinkedIn
Currently a Postdoctoral fellow at the Esser-Kahn Lab, University of Chicago
Dr. Allison Ramey Ph.D. 2016-2021 (Biomedical Engineering) LinkedIn
Currently Scientist II at ProgenaCare Global in Marietta, GA
Dr. Alisina Bazrafshan Ph.D. 2016-2021 (Chemistry)
Eleanor Main Graduate Mentor Award, William B. Dickinson Educational Trust Award
Currently a Senior Scientist at Illumina, San Diego, CA
Dr. Jiahui Zhang
Ph.D. 2014-2020 (Biomedical Engineering) Google scholar | LinkedIn
Currently Research Scientist at Moderna, Cambridge, MA
Dr. Hanquan Su
Ph.D. 2015-2020 (Chemistry) Google scholar
Currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Wyss Institute, Harvard University
Dr. Aaron Blanchard
Ph.D. 2015-2020 (Biomedical Engineering),
NSF-GFRP, NIH F99/K00 fellow, Suddath Award Winner , Bronze Medal Collegiate Inventors Competition
Dr. Joshua Brockman
Ph.D. 2014-2020 (Biomedical Engineering),
NIH F99/R00 fellow, NSF GRFP, Outstanding Fundamental Research Award
Currently an Assistant Professor in the College of Engineering at University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dr. Roxanne Glazier
Ph.D. 2014-2020 (Biomedical Engineering) Google scholar | LinkedIn
NSF GRFP, U.S. Air Force Research Lab Repperger Research Intern Program
Currently a Senior Scientist at Merck
Dr. Victor Pui-Yan Ma
Ph.D. 2013-2019 (Chemistry),
NIH F99/R00 fellow, Reaxys PhD prize finalist, 2018 CAS SciFinder® Future Leaders Program, Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting Award
Currently a Corporate Development Associate at ACROBiosystems
Dr. Kornelia Galior
Ph.D. 2012-2017 (Chemistry) Google scholar | LinkedIn
Currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Emory School of Medicine
Dr. Yang Liu
Ph.D. 2010-2016 (Chemistry) Google scholar
Johnston Award (Emory University), Quayle Award (Emory University)
Dr. Yuan Chang
Ph.D. 2010-2016 (Chemistry) LinkedIn
Currently the Director/Head of BioMaterial Innovation Lab at Eye Valley
Dr. Yun Zhang
Ph.D. 2010-2016 (Chemistry)
Quayle Award
Currently Director of Mass Spectrometry core at Sichuan University
Dr. Carol Jurchenko
Ph.D. 2009-2016 (Chemistry) LinkedIn
Currently a Scientific Editor at the Research Square
Dr. Kevin Yehl
Ph.D. 2009-2015 (Chemistry) Google scholar | LinkedIn
ARCS Award, GAANN Graduate Student Fellowship
Currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemsitry at Miami University
Dr. Daniel Stabley
Ph.D. 2009-2014 (Chemistry) LinkedIn
Finalists in Collegiate Inventors Competition
Currently Microscopy Director at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Dr. Yoshie Narui
Ph.D. 2010-2013 (Chemistry) LinkedIn
Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting Award, Finalists in Collegiate Inventors Competition
Currently Cryo-EM Senior Researcher at the Center for Electron Microscopy and Analysis at The Ohio State University
Dr. Yue Ding
Ph.D. 2008-2014 (Chemistry/Physics) LinkedIn
Currently Staff Scientist at Illumina, San Diego, CA
Zhao Jia (Coco) Zhang (2021 - 2024 BS Chemistry), currently a PhD student in pharmacology at Emory University
Mark Essien (2022-2023 BS Chemistry, Highest honors), currently applying to medical schools
Bakai Sheyitov (2022-2023 BS Chemistry, Highest honors), currently a PhD student in biomedical engineering at Rice University
Patrick Shen (2019-2022 BS Chemistry) Medical School (Emory University Undergraduate Early Career Achievement Award)
Pushkar Shinde (2018-2022 BS Chemistry, Highest honors) PhD/MD at Columbia, NY (Sonny Carter Scholarship, finalist for Rhodes Scholar, Outstanding Presentation in Biophysical Chemistry award GCURS, Emory University William Jones Chemistry Scholarship, Goldwater Scholar 2020)
Arshiya Namazi (2021-2022 BS Chemistry, Highest honors) Medical School
Tsian Ramrattan (2021-2022 BS Chemistry) currently PhD at UNC Chapel Hill Chemistry
Wenxiao Deng (B.S. Chemistry 2021); currently PhD student at U Penn. (Emory University William Jones Chemistry Scholarship)
Francesca Abulencia (B.S. Physics, Emory University, 2020)
Frances N. Connor (B.S. Chemistry, Emory University 2018-2019)
Kelly Jones (B.S. Chemistry, Emory University, 2019, Highest honors); University of Connecticut School of Dentistry.
Julia Eisman (B.S. Physics, Emory University 2018, Honors student) currently applying for medical school while taking gap year
Jacob Yi (B.A. Chemistry, Emory University 2017); currently applying for medical school taking gap year
Wenzheng (Shawn) Sun; currently BME undergraduate student at Emory/GaTech
Sam Druzak (B.S. Chemistry Emory University 2015); currently PhD student at Emory University in Pharmacology.
Mengzhen (Edward) Fan, 2013-2015, Now a Ph.D. student in Brown Lab, Chemistry, University of Oxford, UK
Kevin Gale (SURE research program), 2014, Now a Ph.D. student in Bioengineering, Duke University
Ian Bolin, 2012-2013, Now in Dental School, Columbia University
Rohan Prabhu, 2012-2013
Deep Chandegara, 2010-2011, Now a MD student, University of Southern California
Charlene J. Chan, 2009-2012, Now a Ph.D. student in Denic lab, Harvard University
Alexander Hong (postbac), 2011-2012, Now a pre-medical post-baccalaureate, California State University
Kevin Harrell, 2009-2012, Now a MD student, Emory University
Stephen Marshall, 2010-2012, Now a Ph.D. student in Clemons lab, Caltech
Former High school STUDENTS
Maranatha Genet, 2015
Grace Thomson, 2015
Jeffery Yang, 2014
Katie Vogt, 2013